Musings of a trainer in RSPH Level II Food Safety

by Julie Wilcockson

Of all the training we deliver at Coventry Training Consortium, the subject that probably most people love talking and learning about is food; in our Level II Food Safety course!...


When I applied to go to college I had to submit a 500 word essay I had written, about a significant event in my life.  As is the case for most of us, there have been many good, and some not so good, significant events in my life that have helped shape who I am and my outlook on life.  However, wishing to approach the essay from a light-hearted perspective, I wrote about my very first job (an exhausting, twice a day and once on Sundays, paper round) and how the chance to earn my own money meant significant independence and that I could buy whatever £3.50 a week could afford me – mainly electric blue mascara, and, more importantly, chocolate!  The significance of this was that it kick started a lifelong relationship with the delicious treats of a well-known confectioner and all the fun of joining a well known slimming group.  (Interestingly, my obsession with the electric blue mascara didn’t last too long).  My essay earned me an ‘A’ and helped secure me a place at college and it also helped entertain my college professors and those family and friends I felt worthy to read the innermost feelings and experiences I had shared.  My mum still has a chuckle about that essay from time to time!


My point is that, as well as working with it and eating it, people like to read about, write about and talk about food.  You can’t fail to be entertained, to learn, to try new recipes and to see others’ perspectives on such an important and essential issue.  So, when I was fortunate enough to start delivering training on the RSPH Food Safety training at Coventry Training Consortium, it was pure joy to be in a room full of people talking and learning about the safe handling, storing and preparing of food.  As I said earlier, I think I can safely say that of all the face to face training we deliver, the subject that people often find it easiest and most enjoyable to talk about is food! 

Even when we’re looking at horrific food safety reports that have been highlighted in the media, there is something incredibly empowering in learners using this to ensure their work with food is of the highest, safest standards. 


We consistently find that learners fully appreciate the opportunity to learn face to face, where they can share their knowledge of good practice with others and ask any of those burning questions that come up; for example; about recooking rice, and how to ensure their food is prepared, cooked and served safely for their customers.   


We can deliver RSPH Food Safety training face to face, either here at Coventry Training Consortium or there is the potential to deliver at your place of work.  We look forward to hearing from you as you put your staff on the path to outstanding, professional training and qualifications that improve their knowledge and skills around working with the important, and definitely interesting, subject of food!  We may even discuss chocolate in the training but I promise not to wear electric blue mascara!


All Caked Out - Our MacMillan Coffee Week Success!

A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported us for our Macmillan Coffee Morning last week.  It was wonderful to see staff and visitors; some brought in their faked or baked treats, lots of cash was donated and much cake was eaten!!   A few visitors took part in the coffee morning quiz with one clever quizzer winning a Boots Voucher.

This year we have together raised


This year we have together raised £256.70 to support Macmillan and all the brilliant work they do.  This amount is more than double the amount raised at our last coffee morning 2020.  So thank you again – you’re amazing.

Sweet Treats & Delights

All to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support


Look out for our upcoming Macmillan Coffee Morning....

From Monday 26th – Friday 30th September we will be hosting a Macmillan Coffee Week to raise funds for a brilliant organisation that has supported people with cancer in many ways; even during lockdown, when a lot of support for cancer patients was at a much reduced level.

If you’re here for training that week, please do feel free to indulge in a cake or two or maybe even a healthy alternative – any donation you give will help make a big impact.  You’ll even be able to donate via the Macmillan QR code if that’s easier. 

In the meantime, if you would like to bake/buy something to bring on the day, that will go down a storm too!  The photo above shows some of the delights available at our 2020 Coffee Morning.

One of our previous Macmillan Coffee Morning delights!

Let’s get social... CTC Facebook page launch

CTC launched our brand new Facebook page in August 2022. Our social media presence enables learners to keep up to date with training news and events, send us messages via Facebook Messenger, or by a direct link to email. It will also assist us with networking with our awarding bodies and external trainers, giving our customers an insight into our processes, values, who we are as a company, and how we work.

You can view our Facebook page by clicking the following link: